Do Catholics Pray “Vain Repetitions?”
As a young Protestant, this was one of my favorites to ask Catholics. “Why do Catholics pray ‘repetitious prayer’ like ... -
Seven Proofs for the Natural Immortality of the Human Soul
The late Dr. Antony Flew—perhaps the greatest among atheist thinkers of the last 100 years—came to faith in God largely ... -
God Exists – I Can Prove It! Pt. 2
In my last blog post, we pretty much nailed the idea that the universe has a beginning. And if it has ... -
God Exists – I Can Prove It! Pt. 1
As a Catholic apologist, I hear way too many sad stories from parents telling of children gone astray. Little Johnny (or ... -
Best Magician Ever!
Okay, so I like magic! But you have to see this to not believe it! His name is Darcy Oake! ... -
Mormonism and the Question of Authority
Catholics and members of “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,” the Mormons, can agree on at least one ... -
The Holy Spirit is God
The third person of the Blessed Trinity, the Holy Spirit, is sometimes referred to as “the forgotten” member of the ... -
The Man-God – Jesus Christ
How many of you have been reading the newspaper on a Saturday morning when the doorbell rings. Answering the door, ... -
Judge Not – Lest You Be Judged
By now, most of us are well aware of how Alana Horowitz (and any number of other secular writers), writing ... -
Is Man Constituted by Two Parts or Three?
Televangelist and Founder and President of Charis Bible College, Andrew Wommack, has said: The most important revelation I have ever ...