
Jimmy Akin – Apologist Extraordinaire


It’s been a while since I’ve recommended an apologist, or a website, or both. Let me do both now. As most of you know, Jimmy Akin is my colleague at Catholic Answers and our “Senior Apologist.” People ask me sometimes, “What does that mean? Senior Apologist?”

I normally respond, “Smarter Than Everybody Else.”

Jimmy has been a stalwart in Catholic Apologetics, and, along with our Founder and Senior Fellow, Karl Keating, has contributed as much to the apologetics movement in the United States as anyone I can think of. Jimmy’s work has been extensive over the last 20+ years, and not just his outstanding books: 1. The Fathers Know Best  2. Mass Revision 3. The Drama of Salvation 4. A Daily Defense (coming very soon – and it is outstanding!), or his outstanding booklets, like “20 Answers: Salvation,” “Mass Appeal,” “Annulments: What You Need to Know,” and more. He has also written numerous tracts, many of which he does not get credit for, he has virtually written entire books for other people for which he does not ask for or receive credit, special reports for Catholic Answers, and more, but I want to focus on his blog contributions that are truly stellar.

If you have not perused his blogs, you simply must.

His personal blog is found here:


Here alone you could spend a lifetime perusing posts on just about everything. And I mean everything… except sports. Jimmy is not a big fan of the gridiron, the baseball diamond, “the square circle,” etc.

But just about everything else!

He also contributes regularly to  the blog of the National Catholic Register that you can find here:


But I warn you: once you go to Jimmy’s blogs and begin to get into Jimmy’s mind, you may never want to leave! And I will also guarantee you that you are going to learn more than you ever imagined!


