
Politics and Religion Pt. 5 – Homosexual “Marriage”


Elections have consequences. Has anyone else noticed how there is a deafening silence from those who did intellectual somersaults in order to justify their “Catholic” vote for Barack Obama?

It was insane then, and it would be even more insane now to even try.

This administration has been a disaster when we consider all of the most important moral issues of our time that we have been discussing over my last four posts. President Obama has placed radically pro-death and pro-homosexual “marriage” people in virtually every area of government, perhaps most importantly, the two Supreme Court Justices he selected (Elena Kagan and  Sonia Sotomayor), and now hundreds of federal judges that will eventually impact the lives of every citizen in the United States, and will continue to do so for many years to come.

The Last Straw?

As we now consider the fifth of the “non-negotiables” we’ve been discussing, so-called homosexual “marriage,” this may well be the last stand for our civilization. Because the marriage and family is the very foundation of civilization, its demise, which is what homosexual “unions” represents, leaves our nation without any semblance of a true foundation. And with 30 states now having approved homosexual “unions” (though the overwhelming majority have not really been “approved,” they have been coerced by a tyrannical judicial branch of our governments on both the federal and state level), it doesn’t look good for the future of our country (and we could add here for Western Civilization in general).

The people of the United States are now conceding more and more freedoms to the government and at such a speed that it is truly frightening. We will discuss non-negotiable #6, “Freedom of Religion,” in my next post, but the combination of a nation spiraling out of control morally, and a deadened population that is more interested in protecting their “rights” to kill babies in the womb, contracept, and watch porn, then to even consider questions like, “Who am I?” “Where do I come from?” “Is there a God to whom I owe worship and obedience?” – You know, little questions like these – we are in a precarious situation as a nation, and as a people.

Folks, I can’t think of a more important time in our history for us to stand up for truth as Catholics here in the good ole’ U.S.A.

Homosexual “Unions”

The Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in a document entitled: “Considerations of Proposals to Give Legal Recognition to Unions Between Homosexual Persons,” 10, declared:

When legislation in favor of the recognition of homosexual unions is proposed for the first time in a legislative assembly, the Catholic lawmaker has a moral duty to express his opposition clearly and publicly and to vote against it. To vote in favor of a law so harmful to the common good is gravely immoral.

Notice, in this declaration, Catholic opposition is not limited to homosexual “marriage;” rather, it is to “homosexual unions,” which includes so-called civil unions as well. Catholics must reject any type of homosexual “union” that either involves sexual relations between homosexual persons, or any kind of “union” granting “rights” to these “couples” analogous to marriage rights… period. In fact, I am placing quotations around homosexual “marriage” in this post because, technically speaking, there is no such thing. “Homosexual ‘marriage'” is an oxymoron. Marriage is by definition, as the CCC says, “A covenant or partnership between a man and woman, which is ordered to the well-being of the spouses and to the procreation and upbringing of children” (Glossary definition of “marriage”, Cf. CCC 1601).

But unfortunately, we have to deal with the reality today that homosexual “unions” exist as “real privations,” which is the essence of what evil is. We must confront the reality that presents itself to us.

Homosexual unions are immoral on multiple levels. CCC 2357 declares concerning the illicit sexual behavior that underlies the reason why homosexual “unions” are always and in every situation to be opposed by Catholics:

[1] They are contrary to natural law. [2] They close the sexual act to the gift of life. [3] They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.

CCC 2357 also says:

Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity (here the Church cites Gen. 19:1-29; Rom. 1:24-27; I Cor. 6:10; I Tim. 1:10), tradition has always declared that homosexual acts are “intrinsically disordered” (here the Church cites the “Declaration on Sexual Ethics” from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, paragraph 8).

Those who argue in favor of homosexual unions often proceed from a false assumption. They assume that because someone may have an impulse to commit a homosexual act, they should have the “right” to act on that impulse. But this is, of course, false. I am a German-Irishman—my “impulse” is to get drunk and take over the world! I am joking, of course! But seriously, I do tend to have a temper. Perhaps that comes from my German-Irishness, or perhaps it comes from the Marine in me… I don’t know. But I do know that my temper does not give me the “right” to punch someone in the nose! We all have all sorts of “impulses” that if we acted upon, most of us would be in jail right now!

Pedophiles from NAMBLA (the North American Man-Boy Love Association) make the argument that they were “born that way” and they should, therefore, be able to “fulfill who they are!” No! Folks, No! This is an unacceptable expression of what they would call “love;” we would call a perversion. Likewise, homosexual acts are unacceptable expressions of love that are really not expressions of love at all; rather, they become selfish expressions of narcissism and hedonism that do not respect one’s own nature or the nature of the other in this unhealthy relationship.

Bottom Line:

I will leave you with this thought concerning “homosexual unions.” As a former United States Marine, I can tell you that according to the UCMJ under which I served (the Uniform Code of Military Justice), both adultery and homosexual acts were against the law and a Marine, or any military personnel, who engaged in these acts, could have been prosecuted and thrown out of the military as a result of these acts.

Because of the “Repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Act” of 2010, this has all changed. And not only has it changed, but I now sound like a “radical” because I am in favor of what had been law in the United States Marines since its inception on Nov. 10, 1775.

In fact, not long ago I was shouted down during a talk I gave at a Catholic parish in Southern California for simply stating that I am in favor of a government passing laws in accordance with the Natural Law, including laws against sodomy and bestiality.

I was shouted down with these words: “That’s Fascism! How can you say that!”

Well, folks, the truth is: that is not Fascism. That is what is called morality. 

I Am Neither a Prophet Nor the Son of a Prophet… But…

When I published the CD set called “The Five Non-Negotiables” at Catholic Answers back in 2008, I stated this:

I find it fascinating that the military still holds on to these laws [against adultery and homosexuality] even though the Supreme Court of the United States has ruled, in essence, homosexual acts to be a “right,” according to the Supreme Court Ruling, “Lawrence vs. Texas” of June 26, 2003. This ruling overturned all existing anti-sodomy laws in well over 20 states when it overturned “Bowers vs. Hardwick,” the 1986 Supreme Court decision that upheld the states’ rights to pass those same anti-sodomy laws.

As then Senator Rick Santorum, the Senator from Pennsylvania, said concerning this decision on the floor of the Senate [By the way, I have since talked with Senator Santorum about this and he corrected me. This was actually an interview he gave to the media, not a statement he made on the floor of the Senate], we have pulled the rug out from our own feet with this ruling because we now no longer have a principle of law in the United States of America. For hundreds of years, Western civilization in general, as well as the United States, has based its laws upon Natural Law, which is nothing other than mankind’s rational participation in the Eternal Law, who is God himself.

Rooted in the idea that “we do hold these truths to be self-evident” as the Declaration of Independence said it, we have always understood that knowledge of God and the moral law is not a matter of supernatural religion that can only be known via the special revelation of Scripture and that involves membership in a particular Church. All can know God exists and all can know the essence of and obligations of the moral law through the use of reason alone.

With this foundation, we can know that homosexual acts are gravely disordered and contrary to “the laws of nature and of nature’s God” to use the language of the Declaration of Independence. Folks, the United States Marine Corps has understood that if you want a strong and viable fighting force, you must have strong families…

You introduce homosexuality into the mix and you are adding perversion and problems beyond measure. Folks, a fighting force, a nation, a culture or a Church is only as strong as its families. Homosexual acts are contrary to the nature of love and life; they are contrary to the family. The Military understands this [used to!], and our culture once understood this as well. Yet, today we have a government that seems bent on jamming not only homosexual “unions,” but abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem-cell research and cloning down our throats [and now we can add the taking away of our religious liberty!]. And at times, it can seem as though we are powerless to do anything about it!

Well, my friends, I’ve got good news for you. I John 4:4 tells us “greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world.” I John 5:4 tells us “this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith.” Can you imagine what would happen if 67 million Catholics [Now, over 70 million] in the United States alone began to act like Catholics? What if 67 million Catholics in the US began to vote like Catholics! We would change this nation in one generation. My friends, it is time for us to stand up and act like Catholics. Sirach 4:28 tells us “fight for the truth unto the death and God will fight for you.” And as St. Paul said in Romans 8:31, “If God be for us, who can be against us!”

Unfortunately, we have now seen the military go the way of immorality as was predicted after “Lawrence vs. Texas.”

I recently had a long discussion with a retired Marine Colonel who worked his way up the ranks from a private all the way to Colonel, and was guaranteed “a star” (to be a General) if he were to remain in the Marine Corps. He turned it down and left the Marines because, in his words, “Tim, this is not the same Marine Corps you joined in 1983, and that I joined in 1986.”

He told me of spending about 4.5 days of his 5-day work week, before leaving the Marines in 2013, “dealing with sexual deviants.” Since 2010, there is no moral norm any longer. One of his last official acts as a Marine officer was to sign the paperwork to expel a 23 year-old WM (“woman Marine”) for raping her female Marine roommate.

According to this Marine Colonel, there is no leaking information like this to the media for fear of this administration coming down you like a ton of bricks!

But folks, the bottom line is this: Psalm 11:3 says, “If the foundations are destroyed,
what can the righteous do”? Our foundations have been destroyed.

But the good news is, as I said above, we serve a God who has a penchant for restoring that which has been destroyed by sin. I don’t know about you, but I am going to trust in him.
